Our main and most up-to-date blog and news feed is on Facebook! 5. November 2016Theatrical start in Berlin Nov 10 – Preview Nov 7 at Lichtblick Kinogeneral 5. November 2016The GDR Complex at ExBlicks / Interview with Jochen HickNews,Theatrical,general,Press 14. May 2016The GDR Complex at Neisse Film FestivalNews 8. April 2016The GDR Complex at Goethe Institute in ParisNews,Berlinale 27. February 2016Olga Zhuk – gay.ruPress 23. February 2016Claudia Schwartz – Neue Züricher ZeitungPress 22. February 2016Eyewitness in ResidenceMario Röllig,News 20. February 2016Berlinale – Thank You!Berlinale 19. February 2016Grit Lemke – Junge WeltPress 18. February 2016Harald Mühlbeyer – kino-zeit.dePress 18. February 2016Reiner Veit – inforadioPress 17. February 2016Claus Loeser – Berliner ZeitungPress 16. February 2016Friederike Suckert – Kaltblut MagazineBerlinale,Press 16. February 2016Matthias Dell – Der FreitagPress 13. February 201613.02.2016 5pm / Pre Premiere at Kino InternationalBerlinale,News 13. February 2016SPIEGEL ONLINE: Our Berlinale FavoritesPress,Berlinale 13. February 2016Dr. Wof Siegert – DayByDayPress 12. February 2016This morning @ MUC airportMario Röllig 12. February 2016Annika Möller – Der TagesspiegelPress 10. February 201626 Berlinale Highlights and TipsPress 9. February 2016Berliner-Filmfestivals.comPress 6. February 2016Lichtenberger RathausnachrichtenPress 2. February 2016Screenings @ 66th Berlinale/PanoramaBerlinale 9. January 2016Surround Sound MixingNews